
Purple is an expensive color that should never be toned down.
Its deep nature gives you a sense of superiority,
 No wonder it is the color associated with royalty.
Despite its plain and astonishing nature, most people still find it difficult to style, or to get colors to match with it.
But not to worry
I have put together a list of everyday colors which you can add to your purple wears and look good.
And here they are
Purple and black
Purple and white
Purple and red
Purple and army green
Purple and brown
Purple and blue.
Now let me explain why they are the best colors for purple.
1. Purple and Black

Because it is a staple in everybody’s wardrobe, (I’m sure you know that already)

Adding black to your purple cloth always produce a nice outfit when properly combined.

Both color complements the each other, and gives each other room to shine.

With the right quantity, you are sure to look lovely.

But the question is, can you ever go wrong with this combination?

The answer is NO NO NO.

You can use any of them as a statement color.

For example you can wear an all-black outfit with purple accessories,

Or wear an all purple outfit with black accessories.

You can also combine them in a skirt and blouse or pant and shirt outfit,

But note that, wearing black pants or skirt with purple shirt, sweatshirt or blouse would give you a matured look,

While the other way round which is a purple pant of skirt with black shirt, sweatshirt or blouse would give you a chicky look

You can wear a purple skirt or pants, with a black shirt, sweatshirt

This color combination does not restrict you to limited colors,

So if you want to elevate your looks, you can add other colors to the outfit, to get a different look

Shades of silver, black, red, burgundy, white, and grey are colors you can add to this combo.

Just make sure you add them in little quantity, so they that they would complement and not compete with your purple and black combo.

Bags, scarfs hats and footwear’s are perfect accessories which you can use in adding the colors,

So black is definitely a go-go for your purple
2. Purple and white

Adding purity with royalty is always spectacular combo

Unlike black, white adds a sense of gentility to your appearance
Making you appear warm and bright


Purple and white is the second most popular combination for purple

And it archived this status not by assumption but by practicality.

The purity of white mixed with the royalty of purple gives a magnificent combo that makes you appear superior and casual.

Emitting an aura of holier and higher than thou

Just like black and purple combo, this color combination also lets each other shine, and makes no room for competition

But despite the fact that both color complements each other, you should combine the colors in an orderly manner
 And not scattered, so as not to achieve color riot with two complementary colors,

To achieve the most of both colors, you can make any of them your statement color, depending on you.
In your all white outfit, you should add purple to complement it.
And in your all purple appearance, you can add white to complement it.
Another way to make the most of this color combo is by wearing one as a skirt or pant, and the other as shirts or blouse,
This is mostly worn as office wears, and also casual outing.
With purple and white combo, you can equally add other colors to complement the general combination.
To do this you can add red, brown, to the outfit.
And you can do this by making your accessories speak with the colors.
Now why don’t you go ahead and combine purity with royalty and look magnificent.
3. Purple and touch of red

Red is a shiny color, and mostly used as a statement color,
 It would definitely compete and outshine any color added to it, and purple on the other hand does not like competing.
 It’s more or less like a boss of its self.

Adding both color in same quantity would definitely create a color riot appearance.
So in order to properly combine both colors
You should let the royal purple rule the appearance, while the red complement it.

You can do this by wearing a purple gown or dress with red heels, bags, scarfs, just in the right proportion

You don’t have to worry about red been subdued, it naturally shows itself.

But wearing a red gown with purple accessories, would definitely subdue the purple.
After all royal figures don’t like stress.
So please don’t kill the vibe of purple.
4. Purple and Army green

There are different shades of green, and using just any shade might create a color battle in your outfit.
Army green is quite in between the light green and the dark green.
 And as such doesn’t make you look to bright or too dark.
To make the best of this outfit, one has to be toned down for the other, but even the smallest touch of the colors in the outfit would definitely make a huge impact in tweaking your appearance
This color combo is usually worn by the street enthusiasts,
This outfit doesn’t require much to style.
As just a purple sweatshirt with army green combat trouser, or shorts would do,
Or you can go the other way round by wearing army green sweatshirt with purple shorts, but this would give a very chicky look.
You can also dress feminine or causal with this color, by wearing Army green gown with purple accessories, or purple gown with army green accessories.
You can also add a touch of other colors like black, white or red to your outfit.
Any color you choose
Now you know you can combine military with purple.
5. Purple and brown
Brown is yet another color that matches any color, no wonder it is the staple color for most accessories like coats, jackets, and most popular boots.

Adding brown to your outfit gives you a casual look.
Just like black and white, it is equally easy to style, and that is why it is a staple in most people’s wardrobe
The easiness of brown tones down the impact of purple, and makes you look gentle and appear friendly

Purple and DENIMS

Purple and denims is a sure way to achieve a serene yet casual outfit, as blue adds a different cheezy feel to your purple
Combining it gives you a cool appearance still maintaining your royal feel.
Though there are other blue fabrics or materials which you can wear with your purple,
Denims are the most popular ones, but feel free to wear any other material if you have.
The easiest way to combine this colors to achieve the best is by wearing a purple blouse, shirt, gown or sweatshirt with your blue pants or skirts,

The opposite which is blue shirts, blouse, sweatshirt or gown with purple pants would give you a chicky and attention seeky appearance.
So you shouldn’t try it
Aside wearing your purple with denims, wearing your purple with a touch of blue via your accessories, would let your purple speak more, while the blue complements it

And wearing your blue with purple accessories would also let you your blue speak while purple complements it


 Adding colors like red, white, black, grey to your outfit to tweak your appearance

And you can add them through accessories like hats, bags, shoes, or even jackets.

So go ahead and look serene with this combo.


There are other color which you can combine with purple

But as initially said, this post is all about combination of purple with everyday colors

And the everyday combination for purple are

Purple and black

Purple and white

Purple and red

Purple and army green

Purple and brown

And Purple and blue (denim)

Now you can style your purple,

so get practical and look your best.

Kindly share this post if you found it helpful.
